Labels: god, snake and eagle
God may be ‘One’. But he needs a consort to create his creations as so in mankind. Well, it is very hard to believe, but we have no alternative to this concept. He himself said that all are the images of him.
To produce one, we need at least two things. It is law of nature. Law of nature is common to all including our God. If we want to make a child we need two things – two opposite genders. Two makes one and if the one wanted to make another one, it needs a partner.
In the same way our universe works as whole and in an atom level. As in universe level, human level and in small particle level; so the Quantum theory in particle level connected with gravitational force in cosmological level. This is called “Reality’. What is really happening in our universe is ‘Reality’. The law or theory, which is connected everything of universe is ‘Theory of Everything’.
Thank you.
Labels: god has wife and children
Labels: God with his wife
If you have eye to see, you can see here the true knowledge of God
I am one but have equally two parts to save the world by balance. I am big, strong, and have full power to control the things like you. The difference between you and me is that I know who I am, but you do not know that who you are, and I am the whole, you are part of me. You are working like me, since you are the product of me.
Further this sculpture said that the universe is working in the same way in cosmological level and particle level.
One hand shows the universe (Chakara) and the other represents sound. these icons say that all are working in 'Two in One' principle.
Thank you.
Labels: removing dress
One is big as whole and other is small in atom level
This statue tells us that there are two things in the universe as one is big and the other is small.
Universe is big one and all the other things including human beings of the universe are small and both are working in same principle. Actually, this statue exposes the details of connection or relation and similarity between the two things. One is in cosmological level and the other is in atom level. The only difference between them is size, but they work with the same principle.
Thank you.
Labels: Big and small
Here, the man with two wings and other usual icons, prays the with his two hands.
Labels: two winged man
Labels: winged bird
God is Love. For love, he needs one more things other than himself. We may say that he loves all. That is very good thing. If we considered ‘Love’ itself as a verb, then there must be an action to do that. For act, a thing needs another one to act with.
We are the images of god. So, he must behave like us at least in some manner. We have got life partner or partners to love. So, he too needs partner to love with her. It is true. If we want to produce children, we need an opposite sex partner. In the same way he has to do the things as how we do.
It is the law of nature and common to all the things in universe.
From the above ancient art, what we will have to understand that the God loves with her opposite gender as we do in our life. One is heavenly things and the other is worldly things.
If you could not accept the above details about God, then you will have to think that then how are we the mirror images of God? So, now we should reconsider the real knowledge of God and ourselves. We must have come to a solid conclusion about our God or Creator, or at least about the real knowledge of ourselves.
If we can find out any one of the above, then we can confirm the other item and really understand everything of the universe.
Thank you.
Labels: god is love
Same details from western religion
What we are seeing here is that the same old 'One' but 'Two' concept.Infant Jesus has got the world in his one hand and the real knowledge of world is in his other hand as an icon.We have seen the same symbol from many ancient worldwide art works, even the details from my old articles.We can not see any other things than these, from any of the ancient works. It may be in writing or visual works.
Thank you.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvius Man
Here, we are seeing the popular Greek scholar Leonard’s art ‘Vitruvius Man. Usually his art will create controversial arguments among the religious people and artists. He has said that those who do not know mathematics, they can not understand my works. Most of the art works, particularly around 15 Th century arts would be a mystic nature to the viewers. At this time, the great scholars around the world have made very good art work with some mysterious details.
It was the ‘Golden period’ of mankind. But after sometime, people turned down to different paths to achieve their goal. Now it has come at a level that asking questions about real thing of nature. Actually, the time has come to know the true knowledge of everything of universe.
From the above picture, what we will have to understand the things that as usual ‘Two in One’ concept. Leonardo tells through this picture that ‘Man is one but in action he is two’. Man’s physical body is one, but if he wants to live, he needs one more things than the physical body.
Mankind is the mirror image of God, according to prominent scriptures. If it is true, God must be same as mankind. One is big and other is small one.
In short, from the above art, the artist has said that the man is one but in life he is two.
Thank you.
Labels: big animal
Labels: two parts
Labels: Ajanta paintings
Labels: egyptian art
An angel with its two flying wings and a gesture with 'Two' icons.
Here, I have given one more example from western ancient art. Angels, according scriptures, are the representative of God. The God will inform the news to us through them. Here, the angel shows her two wings and two fingers as the 'Two in One' theory.
This picture has emphasized the details of 'Truth' that are available as in the eastern arts.
Thank you.
Labels: beard
Mother Mary and 'Two in One' concept
We can see through this very old and popular Mother Mary statue that how the statue exposes the real concept of Nature as I have mentioned in my earlier writings. Here, what we are seeing is that Mary or God of Mother is one but she has shown the two things like her hands, rosary and she stands on between two hones of big animal, which represents strong power.
We can see the same things in different art works from different region.
Labels: quantum theory and gravitational
Saint Thiruvalluvar with his wife Vasuki
Thiruvalluvar is very popular ancient poet in Tamil (one of the Indian languages) and his poems of ‘Thirukural’ are well known at India and outside India.
He is called as 'Siddar'. Its real meaning is 'the knower of real knowledge or everything of universe'. In the language Tamil, another important word is 'siddhi'. It means that the man who has the capacity to understand the real thing of universe, life and everything.
This same thing is mentioned in western part of the world as 'Gnostic writings'.
Gnosticism is really not against the god or other religious activities. But it is another version of explanation of understanding the Super Power and its role in universe.
Religious activities are one of the paths to attain the real knowledge of Super power and it is very safe to the followers.
But the Gnosticism is a very tough path to attain the same. This method will affect our worldly life. Because the real detail of Super Power is not as now we think. It is completely against our worldly life. In bible, we can read the word, ' you can never serve the God and mammon'.
So the same scholar, who has written the 'Scriptures', has written the 'Gnostic writings' also.
It is the readers or followers' choice to follow any one of them or both the writings. Anyhow, we must have to understand the true knowledge of our life, God and everything in our universe.
This true knowledge is called 'wisdom' in ancient writings.
I will give more details about Gnosticism and Gnostic writings in my future articles.
Thank you.
Labels: gnosticism and Thiruvalluvar
Labels: west and east
Labels: west