Understanding The Life!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

One in name but Two things
Here, you are seeing that a centuries old stone work. We can see such pose in almost all the big and old temples, particularly in pillars.
The lady asks us to see her organs that usually be hidden out by dress. And there is no place for sex in any temple. The temples were constructed under the supervise of the high authority like rulers and their reliable subordinates like ministers and high priests and scholars. So here, the question is how they could allow such poses. She has got dress but did not use this for the real purpose. So this had been purposefully done to expose something indirectly to the viewers.
Yes, now we come to the point. What she, actually shows is that the real concept of everything that is Two in One details. Her top organs are two but the purpose is one. Her bottom organ is one but two parts. If it is as one, there is no use or purpose and there is no life, no reproduction. No liveliness in the world.
So what the artists, here, indicate is that the true knowledge of everything in the universe.
If you can understand the real knowledge of these Two in One concept, then you can understand everything in the universe.



Nov 10, 2006 / Nov 11, 2006 / Nov 12, 2006 / Nov 13, 2006 / Nov 14, 2006 / Nov 27, 2006 / Dec 6, 2006 / Dec 8, 2006 /

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