God is Love. For love, he needs one more things other than himself. We may say that he loves all. That is very good thing. If we considered ‘Love’ itself as a verb, then there must be an action to do that. For act, a thing needs another one to act with.
We are the images of god. So, he must behave like us at least in some manner. We have got life partner or partners to love. So, he too needs partner to love with her. It is true. If we want to produce children, we need an opposite sex partner. In the same way he has to do the things as how we do.
It is the law of nature and common to all the things in universe.
From the above ancient art, what we will have to understand that the God loves with her opposite gender as we do in our life. One is heavenly things and the other is worldly things.
If you could not accept the above details about God, then you will have to think that then how are we the mirror images of God? So, now we should reconsider the real knowledge of God and ourselves. We must have come to a solid conclusion about our God or Creator, or at least about the real knowledge of ourselves.
If we can find out any one of the above, then we can confirm the other item and really understand everything of the universe.
Thank you.
Labels: god is love